Club Introduction
Every society across the world is or has been afflicted with social inequality. These inequalities are highlighted by the coexistence of the rich and the poor, the educated and the uneducated and the healthy and the unhealthy. In each strata of society, the contrast between the quality of life at the opposing ends of the spectrum is profound. In order to progress towards a state of equilibrium, each individual has a duty to contribute positively to one another. These contributions, be they from the rich to the poor, the educated to the uneducated or the healthy to the unhealthy, nurture the development and enlightenment of a society.
In 1917, Lion Melvin Jones developed the Lions Club International to embody the primary motive of service. Inspired by Melvin’s work and the motto “we serve”, twenty young, energetic social workers began the Lions Club of Pokhara Annapurna. Under the dynamic leadership of Lion Azad Shrestha, the foundation stone was laid on the 17th of December, 1987. From that day, the Lions Club of Pokhara Annapurna committed themselves to the development of community and society.
The duty to serve the people is eternal. With this belief, the continuing mission of the Lions Club of Pokhara Annapurna is to provide, support, facilitate and nurture education. Education is fundamental to the development of a nation. A country’s literacy and numeracy rates, as cornerstones of learning, significantly impact personal growth, cultural and economic development, global position and overall ability to change. Thus, education enables citizens to expeditiously advance not just their own personal identity, but the identity of their community and society. Accordingly, the Lions Club of Pokhara Annapurna began with a project to support education, and continues to serve the people in this manner today.
Club Profile
Message From The President
Dearly respected Lions,
Lions Club of Pokhara Annapurna was established an 6th January 1988 under the sponsorship of Lions Club of Pokhara. Charter President was Ajad Shrestha along with 33 other charter members. Lions Club of Pokhara Annapurna has contributed an various sector of community like
- Income generation program Sarangkot, Kaski, Pokhara.
- Sarangkot For Dayss Restaurant
- Drinking water project of various Government School.
- Free Mega Health Camp