Due to a lack of funding and education, Pokhara originally did not have any form of public recreational centre or park. Through the work of the Lions Club of Pokhara Annapurna, a recreational park was built especially for children. The land was provided by Pokhara Nagar Panchayat at Parshang, ward no-5.
Mr. Narendra Kuma Chaudhary, the Zonal Commissioner, laid the foundation stone for the Lions Children’s Park on Social Service day, 2046/6/5. After a long struggle, the Lions Club of Pokhara Annapurna was able to complete the children’s park at a cost of 26,14,132 rupees. The Yamaji Culture Foundation donated 15,50,000 rupees to this cause. Mrs Lila Koirala, the Social Service Minister, and Mrs Fumiku Yamaji, the Yamaji Culture Foundation President, jointly inaugurated the park on 2052/9/8.
The park has play equipment, a fishpond, toilet facilities, a Shiva temple and a guard shed, and blooms with a number of different plants and flowers. To complete this park, many friends of the Lions devoted their time, money and ideas. With the hard work of Lion Sonam Sangpo, the park was completed. Now, with the help of the Furuya family, the park is being maintained so that families can continue to enjoy the facilities, worship at the temple and relax.